Thursday, 10 October 2013

Kasteel Tripel

Let's continue the Van Honsebrouk tasting, this time with the pale sister beer to my recent post - the mighty Kasteel Triple, and like its darker incarnation weighs in with a hefty 11% ABV.

The Triple pours a hazy, bright straw gold and is crowned with a huge, fluffy, soft white head that looks like whipped egg whites that within minutes has gently settled to a lasting finger width covering.
Streams of bubbles rise from the bottom of the glass giving the beer a nice lively appearance.

Initial aroma is honey sweet, then you get citrus along with an apricot / peach like fruitiness. Also present are the trademark triple duo of banana and clove before a bready / yeasty finish and the hint of alcohol burn - lovely stuff.

Taste is initially honey sweet malts with touches of light caramel, then you get peppery clove spicing along with the musty orange notes of coriander.
There's also rich doughy / bready notes that lead to a floral, slightly bitter and dry finish.

Without doubt another great beer from Van Honsebrouk.

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