Ath is also known as the 'City of Giants' after the 'Duccasse' festivities that take place each August when huge figures representing Goliath and Samson (amongst others) are paraded through the streets - Goliath btw being the name of another of des Greants beers (my next review maybe)
Now for the pour, Urchon is a lovely deep ruby red colour and is topped with a massive light tan coloured head that slowly collapses, leaving behind lots of lacing.
Lovely aroma of spicy malts, rich caramel (almost toffee) dark fruits (raisins and plums) and a fantastic bitter cocoa finish that almost borders on becoming leather?
Taste follows with bready malts, roasted nuts, red berries, sweet caramel, liquorice spicing with a malty, chocolate bitterness on the finish.
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