Next up a beer with a noble connection - Lamoral, Count of Egmont was a wealthy 16th century general and statesman in Flanders, whose beheading (along with the Count of Horne) in 1568 on the Grand Place in Brussels led to public protests throughout the Netherlands, which in turn led to resistance against the Spanish and the eventual independence of the Netherlands.
That's enough history we're here for the beer -

Lamoral pours a hazy, deep orange, topped with an impressive large bubbly white head that slowly falls, clinging to the side of the glass on its downward path - so from the start an attractive looking beer.
Very nice aroma, full of sweet floral hops, ripe banana, caramel malts and honey with notes of citrus on the finish
Sweet almost caramel taste with a citrus zestiness to it, a slight crisp/hoppy bite with notes of pine and a fruity orange finish.
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