Where as my previous entry from Oudenaarde brewery Smisje (the Xmas release Kerst) is a beer I'm glad to say that brew master Johan is continuing to produce - sadly however this is one that is no longer, lost during the transition from Smisje to Smiske.
Many others from the Smisje line up also disappeared...but I'm happy to say a lot of which I have safely stored away waiting for that special moment when I open them.

Right on with the tasting and my was this a lively one, pours a hazy dark brown with a slight red hue topped with a ferocious tan coloured head - so lively that i could only pour a third of the bottle in the glass before the towering head was threatening to overspill, the remaining contents took another two slow pours to empty into the glass - even then the head took a full 5 minutes to settle.
Aroma is oaky roasted malts, brown sugar, dark fruits, hops and spices . Taste is caramel fruity raisin, roasted liquorice, molasses and a bitter coffee note in the finish.
Classed as an Imperial Stout I feel that it's not quite roasted enough and maybe a little too sweet to be labelled so, but then seeing as Stouts aren't really my thing lets class it as an Imperial Belgian Dark Ale - that way this beer makes sense.
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